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Perez, Cristian

Prior to joining the firm, Cristian represented indigent clients at New Mexico Legal Aid and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas where he gained valuable courtroom experience. As a legal aid attorney Cristian focused primarily on housing, consumer , and family law.

At Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, Cristian spearheaded potential client outreach efforts that helped migrant workers secure adequate housing and pay. Cristian also organized free tax clinics for West Texas communities. After developing sound community outreach methods, Cristian was invited to speak at the State Bar of Texas’ Pro Bono Coordinators Retreat and the Poverty Law Conference in 2022.

Curriculum Vitae

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Areas of Practice

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- Texas Tech University School of Law (J.D. 2020)
- University of Texas at Austin (B.A. Government and Mexican-American Studies 2014)

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Professional Experience

Prior to joining the firm, Cristian represented indigent clients at New Mexico Legal Aid and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas where he gained valuable courtroom experience. As a legal aid attorney Cristian focused primarily on housing, consumer , and family law.

At Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, Cristian spearheaded potential client outreach efforts that helped migrant workers secure adequate housing and pay. Cristian also organized free tax clinics for West Texas communities. After developing sound community outreach methods, Cristian was invited to speak at the State Bar of Texas’ Pro Bono Coordinators Retreat and the Poverty Law Conference in 2022.

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Cristian and his fiancé get married July 15, 2023. They enjoy hiking with their two dogs, relaxing at home, and exploring local restaurants in Albuquerque.

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Court Admissions

- New Mexico
- Texas

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